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Rajkumar (2024) Bengali Movie Download 480p 720p 1080p

Rajkumar Movie Download Mp4moviez 480p, 720p, 1080p HD | Rajkumar Movie Download Filmyzilla 480p, 720p HD x256Rajkumar Movie Download, Release Date, Cast & Trailer. 

Rajkumar Bengali Movie Download through mp4moviez in HD, Full Hd, & 4K:- Shakib Khan New movie is Rajkumar. Rajkumar is a Bengali language Crime Thriller movie that will be released in cinema halls on 11 April 2024. Rajkumar Movie has been uploaded on the torrent website as soon as it is released in the cinema house. With torrent websites' help, you can download Rajkumar Movie for free.

Today we will give you a detailed review of the Rajkumar movie and will also tell you why you should not the Rajkumar movie download with the help of torrent websites. If you want a detailed explanation of the Rajkumar Movie, you must read this article carefully until the end.

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The rajkumar movie is directed by Himel Ashraf. Himel Ashraf has previously directed hits like Priyotoma. Regarding the producer of the Rajkumar movie, Arshad Adnan are the producers. Sheikh Rajibul Islam has done the work of a cinematographer in the film. And the movie is edited by Simit Ray Antor.

Movie NameRajkumar
Release Date               11 April 2024
Staar CastShakib Khan
Courtney Coffey
Collin Chiucchini
DirectorHimel Ashraf
ProducerVersatile Media
cameraSheikh Rajibul Islam
Edit BySimit Ray Antor
Script WriterHimel Ashraf

Rajkumar Bengali Movie Budget & Box Office Collection

Rajkumar Movie will release in cinema house on 11 April 2024. After the movie release in the cinema hall on 711 April 2024, we can provide the information on Hit or Flop. If you want detailed information about the box office collection of the movie, we will update this article after the release of the movie.

Production BudgetApprox. 8 Crore              
Total BudgetTBA
First Day CollectionTBA
Total Income Generate            6-6.5 Crore

Rajkumar Bengali Movie Release Date & Time

Rajkumar Bengali Movie will be released in the cinema house on 11 April 2024. You can watch the Rajkumar movie by going to your nearest cinema hall. And can enjoy the strong acting of actor Shakib Khan.

Rajkumar Bengali Movie Download & Watch through Dailymotion

Dailymotion is an online video streaming platform. From here you can stream and download videos like youtube for free. Dailymotion has become a popular piracy distribution network today, on Dailymotion you can easily live stream and download recently released movies, TV shows, and web series. Rajkumar Movie Download has also been uploaded in a pirated manner on Dailymotion from where you can download this movie in 300mb 500mb 700mb and 1.5GB and enjoy this movie sitting at home.

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